Lily’s Promise Review

I found this book because my aunt marked it as “want to read” on Goodreads. I looked into it a bit and decided to listen to it on audiobook. I also got the paper book from the library so that I could see the pictures and how names were spelled.

Here is my review from Goodreads:

What a powerful and beautiful memoir of Holocaust survivor Lily Ebert!

Her story is very tragic, but even after the terrible things she experienced in Nazi concentration camps she was able to stay optimistic and hold onto hope.

One of the most moving parts of the book is when Lily describes her return visit to Auschwitz with her daughter. She writes:
“You haven’t succeeded, I thought to myself. In my mind, I was not just addressing Hitler, or Eichman, but every single person who helped the Nazi regime. You wanted me dead, yet I am here and my daughter is with me. We came of our own free will, and whenever we choose, we will leave if our own free will. So you didn’t succeed in destroying us all. You didn’t win. You will never win. Not as long as we are here and we remember.”

I would recommend this book to anyone and everyone. It’s an incredible story of an amazing woman.

2 responses to “Lily’s Promise Review”

    1. Mother, if you read the book you can cry even more.


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